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Designing a NostRank style algorithm for a social network requires a graph-based model where nodes represent users and edges represent relationships or interactions between them. The main idea is to distribute the “trust” or “reputation” of a user to its neighbors in the network.

Here’s a simplified outline of how you might implement this:

  1. Graph Construction: Construct a graph where each node represents a user and an edge exists between two nodes if there is a relationship or interaction between the two corresponding users. The edge could be weighted based on the strength of the relationship or interaction.

  2. Initial Assignment: Assign each node a preliminary score. For simplicity, you could start with an equal score for every node. For a network with N nodes, this could be 1/N.

  3. Iterations: Perform the iterative NostRank computation. For each node i, distribute its current score across its outgoing edges. The score for each neighboring node j is updated based on the weight of the edge from i to j and the current score of i.

  4. Damping Factor: Implement a damping factor d, typically set to 0.85. This is to account for the fact that not all trust or reputation is passed through interactions. Therefore, each node retains a portion (1 - d) of its score, and only distributes a portion d of its score to its neighbors.

  5. Convergence: Repeat the iterations until the scores converge (i.e., changes between iterations fall below a certain threshold) or a maximum number of iterations is reached.

  6. Normalization: Optionally, normalize scores so they sum to 1 or 100 or another convenient value, for easier interpretation.

This algorithm essentially creates a trust or reputation score for each user in your social network, based on their interactions with other users and the trust or reputation of those users.

A few things to note:
